Differences Between  Web Designers And Web Developers

Differences Between Web Designers And Web Developers


6 min read


  • Introduction
  • Role of web designers
  • Types of web designers
  • Role of web developers
  • Types of web developers
  • Differences between a web designer and a web developer
  • Conclusion
  • References


Numerous people are unable to distinguish between a Web designer and a Web developer. If you fall into this category, you should read this article.

To develop visually enticing consumer experiences, web designers often employ layout software program which includes Figma or Adobe XD. Web designers are more concerned with aesthetics and are in response to the style, usability, and visual look of a website. They're mainly interested in what users view on their devices.

The web developer integrates the web designer's designs and develops these into a usable and functional website. This is implemented by a web developer utilizing coding languages such as [HTML]. (w3schools.com/html/html_intro.asp), JavaScript,Python,Php and others.


Web designer plans web pages that comprise audio, videos, images and some other forms of media. A web designer is instrumental in the creation and layout of a website or virtual pages. It could also mean starting from scratch or making changes to the existing website. They engage with clients to ensure their interests and work with them frequently to develop thorough website specs. Font, text size, and color are all included in the design sample page layouts.

The web designer creates graphics, animations, and digital photo transformations. Clients are shown early design concepts by a web designer.


  • User Interface (UI)
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Visual Designer

For better understanding, I will expatiate on them.

User Interface (UI)

User interface designers improve the usability of a website and improve it to promote results. A UI designer is in charge of a website's appearance. They're in charge of creating a user interface from the user's perspective. They could be given a design issue and asked to resolve it.

The design of user interfaces using equipment and software, such as computers, home appliances, mobile devices, and other electronic devices, with a focus on increasing accessibility and the user experience, is known as user interface design.

User Experience (UX)

The role of the user experience designer is to make a service or product accessible, interesting, and available. They concentrate on the design, usability, performance, branding, and selling of a product. Regardless of the app concept or idea, UX designers collaborate and support clients in creating the greatest application experience possible for their target audience. UX designers guarantee that the website is arranged in such a way that users are engaged and have a positive experience. The practice of generating evidence-based interaction designs between human users or websites is known as user experience design.

Visual Designer

By intelligently implementing images, colors, typefaces, and other aspects, the visual design focuses on the aesthetics of a site and its connected resources. Visual designers work with a website's layout and visual aspects. This project includes elements of both UX and UI design. A visual designer's responsibilities include making sure the interface is appealing to the eye and simple to use.

As a Web Designer, you must have some skills, which include;

  • Having Interaction and responsive design skills
  • Branding, color theory, and typography
  • Photo editing
  • Design software and tools
  • Understanding website design principles
  • Layout/format


The work of a web developer is to build websites. Web developers are also responsible for the website's speed and capacity, in addition to ensuring the website is visually appealing and easy to use. The key focus of a web developer is to create and manage a website's structure. The task involves plenty of technical efforts, such as the use of high-level programming languages and advanced coding.


  • Front-end
  • Back-end
  • Full-stack


Front-end developers use CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and some other languages, and also Content Management Systems (CMS) like Plugins, to create the real website. The front-end web development is the section which the user interacts with directly. The 'client-side' of the application is another term for this. It covers all of the elements that users interact with directly, such as text styles and colors, photos, tables and graphs, icons, colors, and a menu bar. Front End developers provide the framework, style, functionality, and data of all that appear on the user screen when websites, web applications, or mobile applications are accessed. The Front-end aim includes responsiveness and functionality.


The website's backend is server-side. It integrates and keeps data, as well as ensures that everything on the client-side of the website functions properly. That's the section of the website users can't see or interact with. It is the part of programming that does not interact with users directly. Users can access the features and attributes built by backend designers using a front-end application.

Back-end developers use complex programming languages like PHP, C#, Java, Ruby, SQL, NodeJS, and some other backend frameworks, to code the databases and servers. Back-end development, commonly known as server-side development, refers to the components of a website that take place behind the scenes and are not visible to users.


Full-stack developers code a website's front and back ends. They have a deep understanding of how these components work and interact. Full-stack developers set up servers, code Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), access databases, and in addition, write web pages using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Full-stack web developers can create full-fledged websites and applications. They work on web applications or websites' frontend, backend, database, and debugging.

Some skills you must have as a web developer, include;

  • Coding and programming languages
  • Knowledge of Frameworks
  • Testing and debugging
  • Backends and database system
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Content management system
  • Git/Github
  • Plugins
  • Design a web template


Web designers

  • Engages in the development of a website's look.
  • A web designer Should be inventive, creative, and able to communicate well.
  • They take concepts and turn them into visually appealing designs.
  • Web designers are concerned with how the design appears on the outside
  • Web designing is the aesthetic aspect of the website
  • Web designers use Adobe, photoshop, sketch, illustrator, and other design software.
  • Uses design principles to create a website
  • A web designer should be aware of usability.

Web developers

  • A web developer concentrates on functionality and accessibility even while improving the design.
  • Creates user-friendly websites based on client expectations
  • Web developers are more technical and methodical in approach, with exceptional skills.
  • PHP, javascript, python, ruby, and other programming languages are used by web developers.
  • Web developers are programmers that expertise in creating web-based applications.
  • Develops a website's internal workings


The primary distinction between a web designer and a web developer is that while a web designer designs the website's look, a web developer implements the website using programming.





